Puerto Rico’s La Chiwinha: An Ethical, Global Gathering Place in San Juan – Eco-Chick

An airy, open market that calls itself a tea room, but is so much more.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: eco-chick.com

La Chiwinha es the first Fair Trade store in Puerto Rico and part of the Solidarity Economy. Check out this article where the gals at Eco-chick took a good look at what happens there.

See on Scoop.itEconomía Solidaria

La Chiwinha: Una Sombrilla de Comercio Justo en Río Piedras

Agradezco a Camila por el artículo sobre el econegocio que he ayudado a parir y ver crecer.

Ciudad Puente

Escrito por: Camila Frías Estrada

Antes de iniciar la entrevista Joel Franqui me comenta que se siente un poco enfermo, no obstante, tiene en la mano derecha una taza de té que le ha preparado Karla, la misma, le ayuda a transformar este encuentro en una conversación muy amena y personal. Detenidamente le veo dibujar círculos en el aire unos que concluyen en la relajación de su cuello. Cuando finaliza su proceso de auto terapia me sonríe, esta es la señal para comenzar. Así que pronto nos preparamos para abordar esa historia sobre el nacimiento de la única eco-tienda con productos de Comercio Justo en Río Piedras: La Chiwinha.

El fin de la jornada de un jueves se siente en el constante vaivén de los carros que pasan por la calle González, obvio, son aproximadamente las cinco y media de la tarde hora que se valida por la prisa que…

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AARP’s New Livability Index

Es que en realidad es bárbaro lo que le hacemos a la gente que no tiene acceso a movilidad privada: los niños, los viejos, los discapacitados y los pobres.


madison Madison, Wisconsin / Spontaneous Tomatoes

Over the past few years, AARP has become a much more vocal advocate in Washington, D.C. for walkable, affordable communities for seniors, and, well, everyone, but they have recently put the full weight of their 38-million-member organization behind livability, with their new Livable Communities Index, which was announced at the American Planning Association conference in Seattle. Given how powerful AARP is on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures around the country, this is a boost for all of us focused on reducing the real social, economic, and health costs of car-dependent, sprawled-out communities. At all levels, AARP is pushing for policies that support aging in place, which is what their research tells them 80 percent of seniors want to do.

AARP argues that a livable community has «affordable and appropriate housing, supportive community features and services, and adequate mobility options, which together facilitate…

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Transit Deserts: Failing to Provide Access

Desiertos de transportación pública. Tremendo concepto para dar a conocer el problema gigantesco de justicia social en nuestras ciudades y campos. Sin transporte una creciente proporción de la población no tiene acceso al trabajo que los puede sacar de la pobreza.

The Field

A student "hacking" in Morgan Park, North East Baltimore, Maryland image: Diane Jones Allen, 2013 A student «hacking» in Morgan Park, North East Baltimore, Maryland
image: Diane Jones Allen, 2013

The story of Detroit resident James Robertson, who, due to patchy bus service, walked 21 miles as part of his daily commute to get to a factory job 23 miles away in the suburbs where he earned $10.55 an hour, captured the public imagination in February 2015 when his story was publicized. It generated a crowdsourcing response of over $350,000, and a local Ford dealer’s donation of an automobile. While the outpouring of generosity solved one man’s transportation issues, it failed to provide for the rest of the fragmented Detroit metropolitan region, or other regions facing similar issues, crippled by suburbs that intentionally choose to opt out of regional bus service. While Baltimore is comparably better served by public transit than other metropolitan regions, its African American residents have provided their own highly effective…

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Convergent Futures: Cities, Ecology, and Design

Habitar nuestro habitat

The Field

Brooklyn Bridge Park in Brooklyn, New York introduces ecological functionality into a highly urbanized environment. image: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates project team: Michael Van Valkenburg Associates, Great Ecology Brooklyn Bridge Park in Brooklyn, New York introduces ecological functionality into a highly urbanized environment.
image: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
project team: Michael Van Valkenburg Associates, Great Ecology

By 2050, an estimated 66% of the world’s human population will reside in urban areas. That number reflects a steady increase in urbanites from 1950 onward.

As our world becomes increasingly populated and urbanized, how we as designers plan for that growth will affect the health of the planet and its ecosystems. Too often, our urban landscape design solutions oversimplify or ignore the importance of habitat quality, quantity, and connectivity. We grasp the costs and benefits of green roofs, bioswales, urban forests, greenways, and other components of urban green infrastructure. We now need to integrate those strategies into a larger, more connected urban ecological framework.

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F. Kaid Benfield: How to Create Healthy Environments for People

We have to connect again with the idea that we live in a living ecosystem and must think our actions with this in mind.


russellsquare Russell Square, London / Ali Amir Moayed.com

«Just as all parts of an ecosystem must be healthy if the system is going to work,» an environment for people — a «people habitat» — must have «homes, shops, businesses, and an environment that fit in a harmonious way,» said urban thinker and author F. Kaid Benfield at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. For the past 50 years, «we have not been living in harmony with our environment.» To undo the damage, Benfield proposes a wiser approach, set out in his new book People Habitat: 25 Ways to Think About Greener, Healthier Cities. He covered a few ways to achieve these healthy environments in his talk:

Focus on Regions and Neighborhoods, Not Cities: Regions, Benfield argues, actually define the way we live today. Cities extend far beyond their jurisdictional boundaries. For example, «the functional region of Atlanta is…

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To Save Coral Reefs, First Save the Mangroves

Repeating Islands


Coastal forests are a refuge for corals at risk of bleaching in a warming climate, Veronique Greenwood reports in this article for National Geographic Magazine.

With coral reefs in decline and NOAA calling for a larger protected area for reefs in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Geological Survey scientists are pointing out another strategy to save reefs: First save the mangroves.

Mangrove trees’ thickets of stilt-like roots protect coastal land from erosion and help mitigate the damage of tsunamis and hurricanes.They may also serve as a haven for corals, according to a recentreport in Biogeosciences. (Read more about how mangroves support animal life.)

Warming waters have not been kind to coral reefs. Heat causes corals to release the photosynthetic algae that live within and help feed the reefbuilding creatures—a phenomenon called bleaching, which is often fatal. In the Caribbean, where bleaching is widespread, more…

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¿Dónde está el nudo de la cuestión ecológica? (I)

No queremos un medio ambiente saludable sino un ambiente COMPLETO saludable. Boff profundiza en las contradicciones del movimiento ambiental.

Leonardo Boff

Estamos acostumbrados al discurso ambientalista generalizado por los medios de comunicación y por la conciencia colectiva. Pero hay que reconocer que restringir la ecología al ambientalismo es incidir en un grave reduccionismo. No basta una producción de bajo carbono pero manteniendo la misma actitud de explotación irresponsable de los bienes y servicios de la naturaleza. Sería como limar los dientes de un lobo con la ilusión de quitarle su ferocidad. Su ferocidad reside en su naturaleza, no en sus dientes. Algo similar ocurre con nuestro sistema industrial, productivista y consumista. Está en su naturaleza tratar a la Tierra como un mostrador de mercancías a ser colocadas en el mercado. Tenemos que superar esta visión si queremos alcanzar otro paradigma de relación con la Tierra y así parar un proceso que puede llevarnos al abismo.

Estamos cansados de medio ambiente. Queremos el ambiente entero, es decir, una visión global del sistema-Tierra…

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